Find Customer-favorite Items On The Duke App!
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As a seller on Duke, it’s important to know what items are most popular with customers in order to increase sales and grow your business. Here are a few tips for finding customer favorite items on the Duke app:
Sort by best sellers. Duke has a “best sellers” feature that allows you to see which items are most popular with customers. Consider offering similar products or incorporating elements of these best-selling items into your own offerings.
Look at customer reviews. Customer reviews can be a great indicator of what products are most popular with your target audience. Look for items with high ratings and positive reviews, and consider offering similar products.
Utilize Duke Boost. Duke Boost is a feature that allows you to promote your products and make them more visible to potential customers. By using Duke Boost, you can increase your sales and get a better sense of what items are most popular with customers.
Experiment with different products. Don’t be afraid to try offering new products or services. By experimenting with different offerings, you can find out what resonates with your customers and focus on those items.
By following these tips, you can find customer favorite items on the Duke app and increase your sales. Start exploring and experimenting today!
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